We have partnered with Dr. Steve Salipante to establish a mim_c Sequencing Core able to offer support for microbiome studies. For researchers with pre-extracted nucleic acids, library preparation, Illumina sequencing, and basic analyses for 16S (QIIME) or metagenomic (MetaPhlAn) data are offered at reagent cost for up to 96 specimens. Larger studies or those requiring more involved analyses, which could constitute a collaboration with Dr. Salipante’s team, or which are suited to a fee-for-service model are also welcomed. Submit the form below with details about your study and we will follow up with the next steps.
Sequencing platforms available:
illumina MiSeq
illumina NextSeq 500
illumina NextSeq 2000
illumina NovaSeq 6000
OxfordNanopore MinION
Tell us about your study